Fresh Start Landscape
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Creating Extraordinary Environments

We are located in Auburn and work throughout Maine to serve a wide variety of landscaping needs.

We use our love of nature and artistic eye to bring your landscape ideas to life. Whether it’s design, construction, or property maintenance, we’ll work with you to complete your vision.

Native landscapes

Native landscapes

Flower bed - Minot, Maine

Flower bed - Minot, Maine

Walkway/Drainage Naples 2019

Walkway/Drainage Naples 2019

Flower beds Turner, ME, Spring 2019

Flower beds Turner, ME, Spring 2019

Livable Landscapes

We are currently taking orders for perennials, shrubs, trees, annuals, entryway flower pot arrangements, hanging baskets, etc. Please provide us with a list of your needs or ideas. Custom potted arrangements can be worked out for a variety of different pot styles and plant types.

Even with snow cover we can begin the design process for your project! Current technology allows us to get a decent understanding of space requirements before stepping foot on site. Patios, walkways, fountains/ponds and flowerbeds can all be designed during these winter months so we can get you on the schedule and begin construction as soon as possible.

We are accepting new lawn mowing/trimming accounts for the 2024 season.

Contact us today!

Please check out some more of our projects!

Wildflower Prairies

We make wildflower prairies and gardens! Perfect for the plot of land that typically goes untouched all season, adding some color to roadside ditches or for a cozy cottage aesthetic. Native to our region these seed mixes carry annuals (for first year color), biennials, and perennials. You’re sure to have color from spring to fall year after year! Contact us to discuss our mixes or custom combinations of seed blends.

To ensure plants are established before dormancy, we suggest planning wildflower gardens/plots for spring to early summer.

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Start Planning Your Spring and Summer Projects Now!

Our schedule fills up fast! Please consider booking your projects with us as soon as possible. Winter months are perfect for planning, design and ensuring you get on the schedule. Material for installation projects can also be ordered from our suppliers at this time so it can be on site for the job. Thank you!

Check out Some of Our Services